Posted on: 12th Mar 2025

PSY205 Social Psychology TMA02: Submission Guidelines and Requirements

Read all the following instructions on TMA submission carefully.

TMA Cover Page

• Download and complete the TMA Cover Page from Canvas L01 > Modules > Assessments.

• Acknowledge that you have read the self-declaration on academic integrity and submit it with your TMA. There will be a penalty of 5 marks deduction if the TMA cover page is incomplete, inaccurate or missing from the final submission of your TMA via Turnitin. No appeals concerning the Cover Page will be entertained.

TMA submission

• Upload your TMA as a Word document file (.doc, .docx) only. No other formats are allowed. Feedback on your marked assignments will be provided only if the assignment is submitted as a Word document file.

• Adhere strictly to the naming convention specified for TMA files. Non-compliance to these standards may result in your TMA not being marked and/or an administrative fee being imposed.

• It is your responsibility to ensure that you have uploaded your file(s) completely and accurately to the correct submission link. All inaccurate submissions will be treated as a null submission.

• Backup your TMA at all times.
• Review your submission immediately and ensure that the entire document has been uploaded completely and successfully.

• Submit early and check the originality report to decide if you need to revise and resubmit your assignment.

• Turnitin reports are generated immediately the first time but subsequent reports may take up to a day to generate.
• Retain the Turnitin digital receipt as evidence of a successful submission. Appeals submitted without the Turnitin digital receipt will not be entertained.

• Resubmissions (overwriting earlier submissions) are allowed only before the deadline. No further resubmissions can be made during the grace period or thereafter.

• The 12-hour grace period after the deadline is NOT an extended deadline. It is solely for resolving technical problems encountered with submissions before the deadline.

Late submissions and submission problems

• Late penalties are automatically applied by Canvas after the 12-hour grace period.

• Your instructors will NOT be able to grant any extensions as they cannot override Canvas system settings.

• Details about marks deduction are outlined in your Student Handbook under Academic Rules and Regulations.

• In case of problems, email Canvas Support at immediately. Attach your TMA file and relevant screenshots showing the technical error and follow up with Canvas Support before the grace period is over.
• If there was no submission before the deadline, one late submission is allowed up till 1 week after the deadline, after which no more late submissions will be allowed.

TMA Formatting Requirements

Use 12-point Times New Roman and double line spacing throughout the entire paper.

Margins: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right) of the page

Line spacing: Double-spacing
Paragraph alignment: Align the text to the left and leave the right margin uneven Paragraph indentation: Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inch

Word Limit

Writing succinctly is an important skill in academic writing. Keep strictly to word limits as no allowance will be given. Any content written beyond the word limit will not be marked. Tables, figures, and in-text citations are included in the word count whilst the reference list and appendices are not.

English Competency

Negative marking up to a penalty of 5 marks will apply for English competency. It is important that you use an appropriate academic writing style, and write clearly using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. British spelling is recommended.


Follow the APA7 format as described in the “PSY Referencing Guide”. Appropriate in-text citations and an accurately formatted Reference section are expected. More information about formatting in APA7 can be found in the APA website:

Plagiarism and Collusion

The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism (passing off someone else’s ideas as your own; recycling of contents from your own earlier marked TMA from the same course or another course; or passing off AI-generated content as your own) and collusion (submitting an assignment which is the same or very similar to another student’s). The definitions and penalties of plagiarism are outlined in your Student Handbook under Academic Rules and Regulations.

All assignments are to be completed on your own. You may discuss the TMA with your coursemates, but the assignment must be written up independently. Do not share your notes, draft or final TMA with anyone before the marked TMAs are returned to you. You are strongly advised to submit your TMA early and review the plagiarism report yourself, and if needed, revise and resubmit your TMA before the submission deadline.

Avoid plagiarism by giving yourself sufficient time to research and understand the material so that you can write up your assignment in your own words. Quotations should be used sparingly. Simply citing the source of ‘copied’ chunks of text does not excuse it from plagiarism. You should be aware that you also cannot reuse your own work – such as parts of an assignment that you have submitted either to another course or to the same course – as this constitutes self-plagiarism. Ensure that all paraphrasing is done appropriately. If AI is used, ensure that the AI tool is properly cited, and ensure that you write your response entirely using your own words. Even when paraphrased slightly, AI-generated text can still be flagged as plagiarism.


This tutor‐marked assignment (TMA) is worth 30% of the final mark for PSY205: Social Psychology.

Please upload this assignment to Turnitin by Sunday, 16 March 2025, 11:55pm.
Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time.

Marks allocation at a glance
5 marks will be deducted if the Cover Pages are incomplete, inaccurate or missing. Word limit (no 10% allowance) Marks Marks awarded
Essay: Part A 620 45
Essay: Part B 680 50
Referencing (Deduct up to 5 marks) 0
English competency apply penalty if any
Cover page penalty
Total 100 0

Note: All marks will be awarded only with the TMA submission via Turnitin.
Additional notes/guidance/instructions:

• This TMA question requires you to understand Chapters 2 and 10 of your textbook on “The Self in a Social World” and “Aggression.” You must use credible research evidence to support your points in both parts of the question and you will find it necessary to go beyond your textbook to source empirical content to cite.

• Your entire submission should be based on at least five references (excluding the textbook and Study Guide) from credible journal/scientific sources. Online sources like Wikipedia and are NOT considered acceptable academic references and will not be considered as part of the required references.

Please submit your Cover Page and all Essay portions in a single file (saved as MS Word doc) to Turnitin submission link “TMA02” by Sunday, 16 March 2025, 11:55pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Essay Question (95 marks)

News headlines out of China like the following stunned many readers as they made regular appearances in recent years.

Essay: Part A (45 marks) – 620-word limit

With reference to two specific incidents (not necessarily those in these displayed extracts above), describe and discuss the theories of aggression that explain why the respective
perpetrators turned violent. For each of your chosen incidents, apart from academic references,
include at least two news sources reporting on the event (e.g., you may cite Straits Times and
BBC on incident A, and cite Straits Times and Reuters on incident B).
PSY205 Tutor-Marked Assignment 02 January 2025 Semester

Essay: Part B (50 marks) – 680-word limit

Qin Xiaojie, a psychotherapist and founder of CandleX, a mental health support organisation in Beijing, said recent attacks reflected a “very strong sense of feeling that society is not just”. “When you see someone who is attacking another person or society, underneath, it really reflects that they don’t have a stable self,” Qin said. Hawkins, A. (2024, November 22). China reels from spate of suspected ‘revenge against society’ attacks. The Guardian. Apply theories of self-concept to examine the extent you agree with Qin’s opinions about the link between “a stable self” and aggressive behaviour.

References (5 marks)

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Note on use of referencing software
Reference lists created by referencing software have formatting restrictions and your instructor will not be able to insert comments within the list. If you wish to receive feedback on errors in your reference list, prepare this without using any referencing software.

The References lists the full reference of all sources cited or referred to in your assignment. Intext citations also need to be presented accurately in APA format.
5 marks: In-text citations and the reference list are presented in APA format with no errors. None of the sources cited in-text are missing from the reference list and vice-versa. A minimum of 5 academic sources are cited.

4 marks: In-text citations and the reference list are presented in APA format but there may be one or two minor stylistic errors. There may be sources cited in-text that are missing from the reference list and vice-versa. A minimum of 5 academic sources are cited.

3 marks: Formatting errors are evident in the in-text citations and/or the reference list. There
may be sources cited in-text that are missing from the reference list and vice-versa. A minimum of 5 academic sources are cited.

2 marks: Major formatting errors are evident in the in-text citations and/or the reference list. There may be sources cited in-text that are missing from the reference list and viceversa.

1 mark: Effort was made to present a reference list even though there may only be one item listed and it contains formatting errors; in-text citations may be missing.

0 marks: In-text citations and the reference list are missing.

English competency (Deduct up to 5 marks)

No marks are allocated to English competency, but a penalty of up to 5 marks will apply for errors.
1–2-mark penalty: Minor errors present, such as typos and spelling or punctuation mistakes.
3–5-mark penalty: Major errors or a fair number of minor errors present, such as spelling or punctuation mistakes, or use of colloquial and/or non-academic writing style.

Generic Band Descriptors for Students

Excellent answer
• shows a clear and thorough understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant points accurately and comprehensively in a well-structured, focused and cohesive manner

• provides excellent illustrations/examples/supporting evidence

• shows very strong evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding

• goes beyond expectation and shows original thinking

Good to Very Good answer
• shows a good to very good understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant points accurately in a well-structured, focused and cohesive manner
• provides good illustrations/examples/supporting evidence
• shows good evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding
• shows evidence of original thinking

Fair answer
• shows a fair understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant points adequately, but may not always be well structured, focused and cohesive
• provides adequate illustrations or examples, however, they may not always be
• shows little evidence of critical thinking/analysis and lacks in-depth understanding
• shows little evidence of original thinking

Weak answer
• shows only rudimentary understanding of the topic concerned and only manages to cover a relevant point or two adequately, but is not well structured, focused and cohesive
• attempts to provide illustrations or examples, however, they are generally inappropriate or irrelevant
• shows no evidence of critical thinking or in-depth understanding
• shows no evidence of original thinking
• may contain inaccuracies and omissions

Poor answer (borderline pass)
• does not show adequate understanding of the topic concerned and may not sufficiently cover any of the relevant points
• does not provide illustrations or examples
• tends to be descriptive and may be off-point
• contains errors and misconceptions

Fail (less than 40%)
• shows very little understanding of the topic concerned and does not cover any of the relevant points
• fails to provide illustrations or examples
• attempts to describe but is off-point
• contains serious errors and misconceptions

Bad Fail (less than 15%)
• shows no understanding of the question
• some marks may be awarded if there is evidence that some effort was made to make sense of the question

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