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Innovation Management Essay, SMU, Singapore The purpose of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply your critical thinking skills in the context of innovation management
University Singapore Management University (SMU)
Subject Innovation Management
Posted on: 27th Sep 2023

Innovation Management Essay, SMU, Singapore The purpose of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply your critical thinking skills in the context of innovation management

The purpose of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply your critical thinking skills in the context of innovation management. You are required to write an argumentative essay from the perspective of an innovation practitioner.

In the essay, you will apply critical thinking skills to defend the value and benefits in the application of formal learning such as obtained in this course to innovation management practices. As students undertaking undergraduate study in an Australian University, you are expected to develop your critical thinking skills. This requires you to go beyond just describing and summarizing phenomena or criticizing phenomena to find their faults. It involves higher-level thinking and reasoning skills to independently ‘analyze, evaluate and synthesize or create.

Critical thinking involves doing independent research, reading critically, analyzing and evaluating your findings, developing your arguments based on solid evidence and synthesizing your arguments, and presenting them appropriately. These skills will help you to become good researchers, independent thinkers and challenge established ideas and perspectives.

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