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Career Development Assignment, UoN, Singapore Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current marketplace for graduates and choose a career path
University The University of Newcastle (UoN)
Subject Career Development
Posted on: 16th Sep 2023

Career Development Assignment, UoN, Singapore Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current marketplace for graduates and choose a career path

  • Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current marketplace for graduates and choose a career path informed by career theory.
  • I have included the tools designed and psychometric test results essential to raise self-awareness of key strengths and areas of development essential to achieve the career goals, all to be presented within the assignment template.
  • The career development planning template must be completed fully and provide a clear indication of your development by researching the job market, identifying target position, organization, interests and KSA’s, and the ones of your future employer.

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